Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome to American Tow Truck

Everybody's moaning about "tough economic times". Well let me tell you, it may be a little harder than it once was, but Brother it's never been easy out there.

Let the wall street fat cats talk about 4th quarter losses and leveraged buyouts all they want. I favor the blue collar lifestyle where a man or woman has an actual trade.

We are Towers not analysts or brokers or venture capitalists, but hard working Americans that put one foot in front of the other and go to work everyday rain or shine to clean up the roads so the other people with job titles I can't pronounce can be on their merry way.

We are happy to do it too.

So here is a blog about tow trucks and all that go with it.

I don't know whose trucks these are, but I like the effort. That is a tower with style


-The Lone Wolf-